Zhi Jiang 姜志
Vocal/Artistic Director
Jiang Zhi has been under the tutelage of famous vocal experts such as Jin Tielin, Li Guyi, Liu Shufang, etc. She also studied at the China Conservatory of Music from 1986 to 1988. Jiang Zhi has participated in various large-scale concerts and various music programs of the TV stations. She published singing albums and collections as well sang many theme songs for film and television. She has successfully held her solo recital in 2000.
姜 志 师从金铁林, 李谷一,刘淑芳等著名声乐专家. 并于1986-1988 年间在中国音乐学院专业进修. 1981 参加 “在希望的田野上”音乐会开始, 每年均应邀参加各种大型音乐会, 如 “花的原野”,“绿云里的歌” “春之声” “五月的鲜花”“跳动的旋律”,“中国名曲大汇唱”等. 参加过多家电视台的春节及各种音乐节目. 出版有演唱专集及多种合集, 并于2000年成功举办个人独唱音乐会。