Introduction of Performers

Introduction of Concert Performers


高德润, 毕业于中央音乐学院,1977年至1990年在北京中央歌舞团担任指挥,作曲。期间发表多首音乐作品。并出版唱片,音像作品20余种。1992年取得West Chester university 音乐学院的作曲硕士学位。1994年凭第一弦乐四重奏获得Delaware state 年度作曲家称号。

Derun Gao, Graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, he served as conductor and composer in Beijing’s Central Song and Dance Ensemble from 1977 to 1990. During this period, he published many musical works,  and published more than 20 kinds of records and audio-visual works. In 1992, he obtained a master’s degree in composition from West Chester University School of Music. In 1994, he won the title of Delaware State Composer of the Year for his No. 1 String Quartet.

姜志 师从金铁林, 李谷一,刘淑芳等著名声乐专家. 并于1986-1988 年间在中国音乐学院专业进修. 1981 参加 “在希望的田野上”音乐会开始, 每年均应邀参加各种大型音乐会, 如 “花的原野”,“绿云里的歌” “春之声” “五月的鲜花”“跳动的旋律”,“中国名曲大汇唱”等. 参加过多家电视台的春节及各种音乐节目. 出版有演唱专集及多种合集, 并于2000年成功举办个人独唱音乐会。

Jiang Zhi has been under the tutelage of famous vocal experts such as Jin Tielin, Li Guyi, Liu Shufang, etc. She also studied at the China Conservatory of Music from 1986 to 1988. Jiang Zhi has participated in various large-scale concerts and various music programs of the TV stations. She published singing albums and collections as well  sang many theme songs for film and television. She has successfully held her solo recital in 2000.

岳彩轮,国际著名男中音歌唱家,拥有令人瞩目的成就。作为岳飞的后代,他是首位来自中国大陆并荣获”格莱美音乐大奖”提名的旅美男中音。他不仅连续三届担任美国哈特福德音乐学院声乐系主任,还是该学院的”Distinguished Visiting Professor of Voice”。岳彩轮在音乐领域取得多项荣誉,如获得美国大都会歌剧院新英格兰赛区总冠军、纽约艺术家大赛金奖,以及帕瓦罗蒂国际声乐比赛总决赛优胜奖。他还发行了多部深受欢迎的独唱专辑,如《24首意大利歌曲及咏叹调》。岳彩轮在音乐界担任重要职务,包括AMERICA OPERA IDOL、NATS、All STATE等声乐和歌剧比赛的评委。此外,他还是美国声乐家协会和美国荣誉音乐家协会的终生会员,以及室内乐合唱团CONCORA的理事和音乐会委员会首位亚裔主席。他同时担任康涅狄格州女子合唱团的指挥和音乐总监,以及宁波大学音乐学院的资深客席教授。岳彩轮的音乐生涯起步于中央音乐学院,后在哈特音乐学院获得声乐硕士和歌剧表演艺术家双学位。他在中央歌剧院成功演出多部中外歌剧,如《茶花女》、《蝴蝶夫人》等,得到了吉诺·贝基和谢瑞尔·密尔恩斯等著名男中音的高度评价。他的国际演出足迹遍及巴黎、伦敦、布拉格、维也纳等地,曾多次在卡内基音乐大厅、纽约林肯中心、波士顿、芝加哥交响乐大厅等举办音乐会,与音乐大师如耶胡迪·梅纽因和安东·古阿达尼奥合作。由于长期致力于传扬中国文化,岳彩轮获得了美国亚太联盟颁发的卓越音乐家称号,以及美国华人华侨联合总会授予的水晶杯和”泰山奖”,这是对他卓越贡献的高度认可。

Chai-lun Yueh, a renewed baritone and globally acclaimed vocalist, is the first Chinese-born classical singer Grammy nominee. He’s excelled as a winner of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions in New England and as a finalist in the Luciano Pavarotti International Vocal Competition. His CD, “24 Italian Songs and Arias,” achieved recognition with Golden Awards and the Best Male Voice in Classical from the Global Music Awards and The Prestige Music Award. Currently a Distinguished Visiting Professor at The Hartt School, Mr. Yueh holds three terms as Chairman of Voice at the Hartford Conservatory. With advanced degrees from The Hartt School and mentorship from Professor Marlena Malas at The Juilliard School, Mr. Yueh collaborates closely with renowned artists, directors, and conductors. He’s performed leading opera roles and has been a concert soloist at prestigious venues worldwide, including Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and major European cities.

费越,著名男高音歌唱家,18 岁时考入北京中央歌剧院成为该院最年轻的男高音,先后获匹兹堡NATS 声乐比赛第一名,大都会歌剧院州际选拔赛第一名,大都会歌 剧院辛辛那提大区选拔赛第二名,在来美20 多年中,费越一直活跃在歌剧、清唱剧及各种音乐的舞台上。在有270 多人参加的巴尔第摩国际歌剧比赛中,费越是唯一的男高音获奖者。曾先后多次与费城歌剧院,宾州歌剧院,莫扎特歌剧院合作演出,并长期于BELCANTO 歌剧 院担任主要男高音。

Fei Yue, a famous tenor,  admitted to the Beijing Central Opera House at the age of 18 and became the youngest tenor of the house. He won the first prize in the NATS vocal competition in Pittsburgh. First place in the Metropolitan Opera Interstate Auditions, second in the metropolitan song theater Cincinnati Regional Trials, in more than 20 years in the US, Fei Yue has been active in opera, oratorio and all kinds of music on the stage。He was the only tenor winner in more than 270 people participated in the Baltimore International Opera Competition,. In the United States for more than 20 years, Fei Yue has been active in opera, oratorio and a variety of music stage, He has worked with the Philadelphia Opera, the Pennsylvania Opera and the Mozart Opera for many times, and has worked as the principal tenor at the Belcanto Opera.

王晓露毕业于Curtis 音乐学院,师从于sokoloff 博士,并获得艺术家伴奏文凭。她本科毕业于中国中央音乐学院钢琴系,来美国之前在中央音乐学院任助理教授。她与西弗吉尼交响乐团,纽约林肯中心纪念音乐会合作演奏会,并在纽约卡内基音乐厅威尔演奏厅小提琴钢琴联合音乐会担任钢琴演奏。王晓露是美国全国音乐教师协会,美国钢琴教师协会及新泽西州音乐教育家协会的会员,经常为独奏和室内乐比赛担任评判。

Charlotte Wang is a graduate of the Curtis Institute of music where she studied with Dr. Sokoloff and received the Artist Accompanying diploma. She is also a graduate and assistant professor from the Central Conservatory of music in Beijing China. She has performed many solos and chamber music recitals, including performances with the West Virginia symphony orchestra, Ma Sitson memorial concert in Avery Fisher Hall of Lincoln Center,  Rockefeller Center in New York and in a joint Piano-Violin Concert at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York. Ms Charlotte has been a member of the Music Teacher National Association, an American piano teacher’s society and the Music Educators Association of New Jersey, serving as an adjudicator for numerous solo and chamber music competitions.  

明德合唱團指揮 張如菁:畢業於國立台灣師範大學音樂系及紐約市曼哈頓音樂學院。曾師事台灣的歌劇教父曾道雄教授,紐約大都會歌劇院駐唱女高音 Natalie Bodanya 女士。在紐約市,普林斯頓,波士頓,費城參加音樂會演出,舉辦過多次個人。 獨唱會,並曾在多部歌劇的演出中飾唱要角,包括可愛的牧羊女,漢森與葛麗特,費加洛的婚禮,魔彈射手,彼得大師的木偶戲,斷頭台的修女等等。與台北歌劇劇場錄有莫扎特歌劇可愛的牧羊女CD。

Ming-De Chorus Conductor – Rujing Chang: Rujing Chang received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the National Taiwan Normal University and her Master’s degree from the Manhattan School of Music. Rujing gave vocal recitals and sang in concerts in New York City, Princeton, Boston, and Philadel-phia. She also participated and sang as leading roles in many opera performances such as Humperdinck’s Hansel and Gretel, Mozart’s Le Nozze de Figaro, Poulenc’s Carmelites, Falla’s Master Peter’s Puppet Show, and more. She can also be heard on the CD production of “Mozart’s Bastien and Bastienne” with Taipei Opera Theatre. Fei Yue, a famous tenor,  admitted to the Beijing Central Opera House at the age of 18 and became the youngest tenor of the house. He won the first prize in the NATS vocal competition in Pittsburgh. First place in the Metropolitan Opera Interstate Auditions, second in the metropolitan song theater Cincinnati Regional Trials, in more than 20 years in the US, Fei Yue has been active in opera, oratorio and all kinds of music on the stage。He was the only tenor winner in more than 270 people participated in the Baltimore International Opera Competition,. In the United States for more than 20 years, Fei Yue has been active in opera, oratorio and a variety of music stage, He has worked with the Philadelphia Opera, the Pennsylvania Opera and the Mozart Opera for many times, and has worked as the principal tenor at the Belcanto Opera.

指挥:叶青阳, 浙江杭州人,西敏合唱学院音乐教育系和乐理作曲系2022届毕业生 (Summa Cum Laude),主修声乐与作曲,师从声乐科学专家 Dr. Kathy Price,钢琴教育家 Dr. James Goldsworthy,作曲家 Dr. Stefan Young,并获得西敏合唱学院作曲和声乐奖项。在校期间多次与费城交响乐团及其指挥Yannick Nézet-Séguin,以及指挥家Stéphane Denève合作,并多次参与合唱指挥大师班,曾与 Dr. Joe Miller,Mark Gibson,Z. Randall Stroope,Dr. Ryan Brandeau, Dr. Amanda Quist, Tom Shelton学习合唱及交响乐指挥。现为 Westminster Choir College 声乐表演和教学法专业研究生,现任Spruce Run Lutheran Church 指挥和费城旋律合唱团特邀指挥。

Conductor: Kelly Ye. From Hangzhou, China, Kelly Ye received her Bachelor’s degree in Music Education and Music Theory & Composition summa cum laude from Westminster Choir College. She is currently pursuing her Master of Voice Performance and Pedagogy from the same institution. Her teachers have included Dr. Kathy Price, Dr. Rochelle Ellis, and Dr. Akiko Hosaki for voice, Dr. James Goldsworthy for piano, Dr. Stefan Young, Dr. Ronald Hemmal and Dr. Jay Kawarsky for composition, and Tom Shelton for conducting. She has sung under the direction of conductors, Yannick Nézet-Séguin and Stéphane Denève, she has also been present as a participant in conducting masterclasses with Dr. Joe Miller, Mark Gibbson, Dr. Ryan Brandeau, Dr. Amanda Quist, and Dr. Z. Randall Stroope. She is currently a conductor for Spruce Run Lutheran Church in Glen Gardner, NJ and invited conductor for Philadelphia Melody Choir, PA.

Pianists of Concert Chorus Groups

Chunhui Chorus Pianist

Steven Moyer 是春晖合唱团钢琴伴奏。他毕业于宾州West Chester大学,获得音乐学士学位,主修钢琴演奏。师从Robert Bedford博士,后者还兼任他的亚历山大技巧教练。自毕业以来,Steven受训于Robert Durso,学习Taubman方法。他曾参加国际知名钢琴家的大师课,包括Walter Hautzig、Sofya Gulyak和Jon Nakamatsu。在费城和特拉华地区,Steven担任伴奏钢琴家,为独奏家、合奏团和音乐剧制作提供伴奏。

Steven Moyer is the pianist of Chunhui Chorus. He is a graduate of West Chester University earning his Bachelor’s of Music in Piano Performance studying under Dr. Robert Bedford who doubled as his Alexander Technique instructor. Since graduating, Steven has trained with Robert Durso in The Taubman Approach. He has participated in masterclasses with internationally regarded pianist including Walter Hautzig, Sofya Gulyak, and Jon Nakamatasu. In the Philadelphia and Delaware areas, Steven works as a collaborative pianist with soloists, ensembles, and musical theater productions.

Mingde Chorus & Philly Melody Pianist

李锟,明德合唱團和旋律合唱团伴奏,从不到了岁就开始学习弹钢琴,自2004年以来,他在钢琴比赛中赢得了无数奖项。在 2015 年,他在西切斯特大学预备钢琴比赛和三县比赛中都获得了一等奖。他还作为钢琴独奏家与许多当地地区乐团合作,包括独立交响乐团。他毕业于宾州州立大学,获得钢琴演奏专业的辅修学位。在宾州州立大学期间,他还担任首席爵士乐队 Centre Dimension 的钢琴手。当他不弹钢琴时,李锟喜欢在费城多个夜总会当DJ。在过去的一年里,他已经支持了一些国际舞曲艺术家。 Stephen Li is Ming-De & Melody Chorus Accompanist. He has won numerous prizes in piano competitions since 2004. In 2015, he earned first prize in both the West Chester University Pre-Collegiate Piano Competition and the Tri-County Competition. He performed as a piano soloist with numerous regional, including the Independence Sinfonia Orchestra. He graduated from Penn State with a minor in piano performance. While at Penn State, he was the pianist for the premiere jazz band Centre Dimension. Stephen also enjoys DJing at various nightclubs all over Philadelphia. He has already supported a few international dance music artists in the past year.

Introduction of Chorus Groups

春晖合唱团 Chunhui Chorus

美国春晖合唱团成立于2019年3月,由著名作曲家兼指挥高德润先生出任指挥,其伉俪著名歌唱家姜志老师担任声乐指导和艺术总监。 在疫情期间,在这两位杰出导师的引领下,合唱团坚持进行合唱排练,并启动了一项无距离限制的歌唱平台 – 云合唱,随后推出了一系列杰出的云合唱作品,包括《山楂树》、《送别》、《柔软时光》、《游牧时光》等。疫情后,美国春晖合唱团重启了实地排练,并积极参与了多项音乐活动。今年春天,成功参加了2023年特拉华春节联欢会,其中的云合唱作品《山楂树》还荣幸入选了全球艺术家联盟美国环宇电视台合办的2023大型网络中秋联欢晚会《月是故乡明 欢庆中秋佳节》。这次由特拉华华人协会组织的《金秋之韵》音乐会将由美国春晖合唱团为首,联合宾州旋律合唱团和民德合唱团共同举办,旨在宣传华夏文化,丰富社区生活,促进多元文化的交流与互动。 The American Chunhui Chorus was established in March 2019, with the renowned composer and conductor Mr. Derun Gao at the helm. His spouse, the celebrated soprano Ms. Zhi Jiang, serves as the vocal instructor and artistic director.  During the pandemic, under the guidance of these two outstanding mentors, the chorus persevered with their choral rehearsals and initiated a distance-free singing platform known as “Virtual Choir.” Subsequently, they introduced a series of remarkable virtual choir works, including “The Hawthorn Tree,” “Farewell,” “Tender Moments,” and “Nomadic Times.”  Post-pandemic, the American Chunhui Chorus resumed their in-person rehearsals and actively participated in various musical activities. This spring, they successfully took part in the 2023 Delaware Chinese New Year Celebration. Furthermore, their virtual choir rendition of “The Hawthorn Tree” had the honor of being selected by the Global Artists Alliance and co-hosted by Universal Television, USA, for the 2023 Grand Online Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, titled “Bright Moon in My Hometown, Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival.”  Organized by the Delaware Chinese Association, the “Golden Autumn Rhyme” concert will be led by the American Chunhui Chorus in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Melody Chorus and the Minden Chorus. The event aims to promote Chinese culture, enrich community life, and foster multicultural exchange and interaction.

费城旋律合唱团 Philadelphia Melody Chorus

费城旋律合唱团成立于2015年,由著名指挥家乔万钧先生任艺术总监及指挥。先后举办和承办过《黄河颂》、《戴玉强演唱会》、《王立平作品演唱会》以及《旋律金秋晚会》等大型音乐会。疫情三年之后恢复线下排练和演出,合唱团又重新活跃于社区。 现由叶青阳任特邀指挥,积极开展和参加各种音乐活动。 Established in 2015, Philadelphia Melody Chorus is under the leadership of renowned chorus director Wanjun Qiao. Since then, the Choir organized and hosted many large-scale concerts such as “Ode to the Yellow River”,  “Dai Yuqiang Concert”, “Wang Liping Works Concert” and “Melody Autumn Concert”, etc.  After three years of COVID19 pandemic, the choir is resuming normal activities and led by Kelly Ye as the invited conductor, Philadelphia Melody Chorus is now active again to bring more musical events to the community.

明德合唱团 Ming-de Chorus

指揮: 張如菁 伴奏: 李锟 團長: 張賢菊 明德合唱团成立於 1988 年的明德合唱團迄今已經三十五年。明德合唱團三十五年來從一個明德中文學 校提供家長休閒活動的團體,發展至今,由來自大費城一帶喜愛合唱的同好聚集一堂,以歌 傳情會友,以成果獻給社區。歷年來在指揮、團長和團員們齊心合力、辛勤耕耘下,茁壯成 長。明德合唱團曾多次舉辦演唱會,並在「大費城明德文教協會」的社區服務活動中扮演了 不可或缺的角色,於安老院、園遊會和多元文化節慶中演出;也曾與新澤西州的「華聲合唱 團」、德拉瓦州的「知音合唱團」多次同台合作;並於 1995 年在紐約參加抗戰勝利五十週 年音樂會,同年積極參與並組織「費城華埠一百二十五週年紀念音樂會」; 2009 年部分團 員參演了在費城天普大學「全球化音樂會」的黃河大合唱和 2013 年四月在西徹斯特受邀參 加「馬思聰百年誕辰紀念音樂會」;同年,我們還舉辦了大型的明德二十五週年紀念音樂 會,給團員留下難忘和珍贵的回忆。明德合唱團的宗旨是以音樂美化人生,進而豐富華人社區合唱活動、走入主流社會。目前由 張如菁執棒指揮,李琨擔任鋼琴伴奏。近年來合唱內容更趨向多元化,除了中國藝術歌曲、 民歌和通俗歌曲外,並添加西方宗教、藝術和流行曲目及百老匯歌劇集錦,於大費城一帶安 老中心、教會、中文學校等不同場合演出,均得到熱烈的回響。我們希望以歌會友,更歡迎 同好加入。有興趣的朋友請聯繫張賢菊,電子郵件地址: Ming-De Chorus: Conductor: Rujing Chang Accompanist: Stephen Li; President: Melina Zhang。 Ming-De Chorus was established in 1988 under the auspices of Main Line Chinese School (now, Ming-De Main Line Chinese School). This year marks its 35th anniversary. Over the years and un- der the tutelage of a number of conductors, Ming-De Chorus has frequently performed in choral concerts and participated in community service events, multicultural festivals and numerous Chi- nese New Year celebrations. Additionally, in 1995, along with other Chinese choruses from the East Coast, Ming-De Chorus performed in a concert in New York City commemorating the 50th anniversary of victory of War of Resistance against Japan. The same year, the Chorus partici- pated in a joint concert celebrating the 125th anniversary of Philadelphia’s Chinatown. In 2009, chorus members took part in Temple University’s Celebration of Globalization Concert and in year 2013, Ming-De Chorus was invited to perform at “Ma Sicong Centennial Celebration Concert” at West Chester University. The missions of Ming-De Chorus are not only to preserve Chinese musical tradition and to enrich cultural and social activities for local Chinese communities, but also to promote better under- standing between Chinese and other ethnic groups in the community. Under the guidance of cur- rent Conductor Rujing Chang, accompanist Stephen Li, Ming-De Chorus now has an even more diversified repertoire including Western religious pieces, pop songs and Broadway classics along with Chinese choral music. We welcome singers who love choral music to join us. We also appreciate your donations and sponsorship. Please contact Melina Zhang at for more details.